Information & Services

How to book

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After you have completed your booking, you will receive a confirmation code – this is what you need for check-in.

A travel itinerary will be sent to your email address, which includes

  • a unique confirmation code
  • flight number
  • the date and time of travel
  • departure and destination details
  • full cost

For passengers booking flights via a travel agency or a third-party website, the itinerary will be provided by the travel agent. If the reservation was created not by you, any flight related changes will be communicated to the contact details of the booking owner.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

We do our best to protect and safely store your personal data, preventing unauthorised access, utilisation, tampering or deletion. We pay special attention to the safe transmission of personal and financial data through encrypted channels using state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

We also offer an online security service for VISA and MasterCard holders. Verified by VISA and MasterCard Secure Code schemes enable you to register an additional password to your credit card so as to prevent unauthorised purchases on your credit card.

During check-out – if your bank is participating – you will be asked to register for one of the schemes. Simply follow the online instructions to set up your additional password. Some banks do offer an option to sign up later, others will ask you to sign up immediately when completing your online transaction. These schemes will soon become compulsory for all cardholders. If you have any questions, please contact your card issuer directly.