
Electronic invoice

Electronic invoice

Sent automatically to e-mail
  • Within 5-7 working days after booking
  • To email provided during booking
  • Download from the 'upcoming bookings' section
Paper invoice

Paper invoice

Upon request for extra fee
  • Fee of ‎€3 per invoice
  • Sent by post
Invoice correction

Invoice correction

Upon request for extra fee
  • Mistakes are fixed for free
  • Billing information can be changed for fee of ‎€5
  • No booking splitting for invoicing purposes
  • No invoice currency change

After creating a booking, you will automatically receive an electronic invoice to the email address provided during reservation within the next 5-7 workdays.

  • We can issue an invoice for purchased flight or WIZZ services only. If you require a receipt or invoice for the third-party services purchased together with the flight ticket (e.g., travel insurance, bus or taxi transfer, airport handling), please contact the service providers directly.
  • We can only issue an invoice for the flights purchased directly at or via WIZZ Mobile app. If you made your reservation via a travel agency or a third-party website, please contact them to issue the invoice as they are your ticket seller.

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Contact us

For immediate support, please chat with us.

For non-urgent requests, you can call us or submit a claim.